Sheena M.
Hi! I’m a voice talent based out of Edmonton, AB, Canada. I’ve recorded thousands of voiceovers out of my pro home studio for a wide-range of clients. My voice is unique, naturally warm, relatable, conversational, and versatile. I’m open to working on a vareity of voice over projects from corporate narration and explainer videos to commercials and promos (and everything else in between). Meeting and exceeding the needs of my clients is very important to me. I pride myself on being an effective communicator, providing fast turnaround times, and always delivering a professional product. I look forward to working with you!
I have been working as a professional voice actor since 2014. The number of projects and clients I have provided VO for is extensive, and I’m always excited to collaborate with individuals to make their vision a reality. I’m comfortable with all kinds of voiceovers, including eLearning, corporate narration, commercials, promos, whiteboard animation, telephony, and the list goes on. I have received training from some of the top coaches in the industry, and continue to learn and train to hone my skills and improve my craft.
Companies I have voiced for
- Microsoft
- Huawei
- MetLife
- University of Alberta
- Michael Garron Hospital
- AltaLink
- iCapital Canada
- Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council (STEC)
- Custom Culinary
- Spokn (a mobile-based learning app)