Mike H.
As the Telly Award-winning voice of thousands of projects for some of the world’s most trusted brands, (BMW, Microsoft, Hilton Hotels, Coca-Cola, Honeywell, GoDaddy, BP and many more), Mike has the experience to bring precisely what you need in a voice over to your next important project.
He records pristine audio from his world-class studio equipped with top-of-the line equipment and phone patch for remote session direction.
While he works with many of the world’s largest brands, he’s sensitive to the needs (including budget) of all of his clients. He treats his clients as partners and looks forward to the opportunity of working with you.
- 15 years experience
- 2018 Telly Award-winner
Companies I have voiced for
- Microsoft
- Coca-Cola
- Hilton Hotels
- Proctor & Gambel
- Southwest Airliines
- BP
- Motorola
- Comcast
- PayPal